sábado, 20 de octubre de 2018

How much did you know about the land down under? The solutions.....

Webquest Solutions

Here are the answers to the questions:-

1) A traditional Easter treat in the U.S. is a chocolate bunnyWhat chocolate likeness is popular in Australia?

  A) Kangaroo

  B) Koala
         C) Bilby
         D) Boomerang

2) Most British convicts who were sent to the penal colony ofAustralia had been found guilty of what type of crimes?
A) Petty theft
        B) Treason
        C) Murder
        D) All of the above
       3)Australia is home to the largest structure built by living organisms on theplanetWhat is it?
      A) A termite tower in the outback
      B) Ayers Rock
      C) A wombat burrow
      D) The Great Barrier Reef

4) Australian Prime Minister Harold Holt disappeared in December 1967 whiledoing what?
     A) Running in a marathon
     B) Swimming in the ocean
     C) Taking a helicopter tour
     D) Hiking in the outback

      5) In 1856, the Australian government reformed the country's voting processbecoming the first nation to allow for what during elections?
     A) Write-in nominations
     B) Secret ballots
     C) Recounting of votes
     D) All of the above
     6) In the Australian bush ballad "Waltzing Matilda," what does "Matilda" refer to?

     A) A girl
     B) A style of dance
     C) A bedroll (a sleeping bag)
     D) A kangaroo

      7) What's unusual about Kakadu National Park?

     A) It's jointly managed by Aborigines and the Australian government
     B) It's the only national park that is home to crocodiles
     C) It's all underground
     D) It's smaller than a city

      8) A local delicacyVegemite is a spread made from what ingredient?

     A) Corn
     B) Vanilla
     C) Calf liver
     D) Yeast

      9) What circumstances cause some Aussies to "go troppo," or have mango madness, as it's also called?

     A) Watching close cricket matches
     B) The oppressive heat and humidity that comes just before monsoon season  
     C) Malaria outbreaks
     D) Lunar eclipses

     10) Which two animals appear prominently in the Australian coat of arms?

     A) Crocodile and bandicoot   
     B) Koala and wallaby           
     C) Red kangaroo and emu
     D) Platypus and Tasmanian devil

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