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sábado, 29 de septiembre de 2018

An interview with a twist.... Tom Hardy answers kids' questions

Here's one of the best videos I've seen in recent weeks:-

As you can see it's the actor, Tom Hardy, answering questions from children. Tom is from London and of Irish descent so he speaks British English.

Watch the video and tell me if the following sentences are true (T) or false (F), feel free to leave your answers in the comments.

1) Cooper's favourite number is 15.

2) Tom says (to Lola) "Being good is more important than being naughty."

3) Sienna has recently played Glinda the Bad Witch.

4) All of Isabella's princesses are Disney princesses.

5) Tom says you should love every living being unless they attack you.

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 Is investing in renewable energies the road to better? Ford have recently released their top six reasons to invest in renewable energy:- Do...