domingo, 21 de octubre de 2018

Classic Novels and learning English, incompatible? Not at all

I've always loved reading, in any shape or form. As a child and teenager I would read anything, anywhere... I had a lot more free time on my hands back then. I liked most genres but reading classics had a special ring. I suppose it was due to the historical setting, you could read a good novel and learn a great deal about that period of time, all in one!

Well, in today's post we're going to take that a step further, reading (or listening to a classic) and learning English (and some History) at the same time. 
Where we would find that type of material, you're probably thinking... On the BBC languages website, of course!

I was born in Exeter in Devon (England) but I lived, for the last years of my life in England, in Cornwall. So I've chosen a classic novel, set in Cornwall, about a tavern called the Jamaica Inn, here are some pictures:-

The typical English tavern / hotel, what you probably don't know is the legend says it's haunted (full of ghosts).... I invite you to research that online, there are even videos...

Anyway, back to the point, here is the first episode of the Jamaica Inn, you can read it or listen to it as a podcast and I'm going to put a short comprehension quiz in the comments. Enjoy!!!

2 comentarios:

  1. Quiz

    1. What did Mary promise her mother to do?
    a) Stay on the farm
    b) Get married
    c) Go to live with her aunt

    2. Who is Joss Merlyn?
    a) Mary's father
    b) The landlord of Jamaica Inn
    c) A man she meets on her journey

    3 What does the man in the coach say about Jamaica Inn?
    a) Local people like going there
    b) Strange things happen there
    c) Mary will like it there

  2. Vocabulary

    inn - pub where people can stay overnight

    landlord - person who owns or manages a hotel or an inn

    consolation - something that you makes you feel better about a difficult situation

    lashing - when rain is lashing, it is falling very heavily, often with a lot of wind

    moor(land) - large open area of land with very few trees or plants and very few buildings

    queer - (here) strange, unusual

    respectable - acceptable to most people in a place

    coach - form of transport that is pulled by horses and was used in the past


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