martes, 2 de abril de 2019

Paranormal.... Or not??? Let's take English beyond the final frontier.....

This week we have started a project in class about "Ghastly ghosts", what's ghastly (you're probably thinking)? Well, the definition of ghastly is:-

  1. 1.
    causing great horror or fear.
    "one of the most ghastly crimes ever committed"
  2. 2.
    extremely unwell.
    "she had sobered up but she felt ghastly" :illunwellwashed outpeaky

  3. As you can imagine in this case we're going to be using the first context.
  4. So, first thing's first, do you believe in ghosts? I must admit that I do, there just seems to be too much evidence to do so, and not enough to say otherwise.

As I said we have been reading about different, possibly, paranormal cases this week and trying to find rational explanations for them, meanwhile we practise our English.

Some of the vocabulary we have been going over is:-

  • evil
  • demon
  • frightening
  • to haunt
  • haunted house
  • spook
  • murder
  • murderer
  • poltergeist
  • psychic experts
  • parapsychology
One example of a case is that of Queen's House in Greenwich, England.

Here is a photo that was taken at Queen's House in 1966 by a tourist, how could we explain that???

Try using modal verbs for speculation:-

It must have been the reflection of somebody in a mirror.

It could have been somebody's shadow.

It can't have been a real person, its clothes are two old-fashioned.

Please leave your own ideas in the comments.

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