martes, 6 de noviembre de 2018

Last Monday was a very special night in the UK, it was Bonfire night!

First thing's first, what is a bonfire? 

A bonfire is a fire that is started outdoors, on purpose, and kept under control (unlike a forest fire).


Here in Spain bonfires are quite typical on St John's Eve in June but in the UK, we celebrate Bonfire night on the 5th of November. I'm sure you're wondering why, take a look at the following video to find out:-

Like any other celebration children and teenagers actively take part. Here is another video about how young people take part in the Bonfire Night celebrations.

Now you know all the facts about Bonfire Night, are these sentences true or false?

A) Guy Fawkes killed King James I

B) Bonfire Night is on the 11th of November

C) People make a guy to burn on the bonfire

D) Children under 18 can buy fireworks at shops

E) Children can use sparklers

F) Treason is when trees lose their leaves

Write your answers in the comments!


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