martes, 9 de junio de 2020

What's in a name?

What's in a name?


Today we are going to use some familiar names to practise how to ask questions in English.

Here are the names of two people who are very important in my life:-



I would like you to look at these names and ask me some questions to discover why these people are important for me...... I mean, are they family members? Friends? Neighbours? Colleagues? 

So let's learn how to make a question.

The correct structure for a question in English has a simple formula:-

QU               A                S                    I                (QUASI)
question word         auxiliary            subject                        infinitive      ?


What                 does           he/she                     do?
How old             is              he/she?
Where               does           he/she                     live?

Now you know why these people are important for me, let's do the same using some names of people who are important in your lives.

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