In the show, contestants compete to win cash and prizes by guessing the prices of merchandise.
Here's a videoclip of the show:-
We have been playing "The Price is Right" in class this week. Each student showed the class three things they normally buy, describing each object in detail and then the other students (and I) had to estimate how much each object costs. The student with the closest guess got a point.
So here are my objects, let's see if you can get the price right*:-
This is the last book I bought, it's by one of my favourite authors, James Patterson. It's a paperback book and I bought it at a shopping centre.
These are my favourite chocolates, lindor. This box is 200g and has a mix of white, milk and dark chocolates. I don't buy them very often... I promise.
The last one is a purse from the brand "Anekke". It was made in Spain and it's good quality material. It came in a card gift box.
Leave your estimates in the comments below!!!!
I will reveal the correct prices on 20th March!